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Where I'll Be


1 PM Saturday, April 24th

You Gotta Have Guts!

The Natural Way To Enhance G.I. Health

Come meet and listen 'live' to Dr Victoria Bowmann who
will provide a free lecture on her latest book,
You Gotta Have Guts!
She will also answer questions on little known methods and techniques
to enhanced general vitality through proper colon health.
Her book will be available for purchase and she will
personally autograph your copy.

Healthy Habit Map

Healthy Habit Health Foods
6029 North 7th Street
Phoenix, AZ 85014-1802
(602) 252-6000


7 PM Wednesday, April 28th

You Gotta Have Guts!

The Natural Way To Enhance G.I. Health

You Gotta Have Guts!

Come meet and listen 'live' to Dr Victoria Bowmann who
will provide a free lecture on her latest book,
You Gotta Have Guts!
She will also answer questions on little known methods and techniques
to enhanced general vitality through proper colon health.
Her book will be available for purchase and she will
personally autograph your copy at:

Cranial Spinal Integration

Dr. Janice Jones
Cranial Spinal Integration

20100 N 51st Avenue, Suite 640
Glendale, AZ 85308


Please RSVP with Dr Janice Jones to reserve your seat.
